- F/W LS Mud 9.0 PPG to 21 PPG - Available Upon Request
- F/W LS Mud Storage - $2 BBL Each (In & Out)
- Isolation of W/B Mud Storage (In Plant) - $4 Per BBL Each (In & Out)
- Additional Storage Fee After 6 Months - $2 Per BBL
- Mixing of Scratch W/B Spud Muds - Available Upon Request
- Mixing of Weighted Scratch W/B Muds - Available Upon Request
- NACL Brines to 10.0 PPG - Available Upon Request
- KCL Treated Fluids - Available Upon Request
- Plant Time | Mixing & Conditioning - $250.00 Per Hour
- Barite (Bulk) - $17.50 Per Sack
- Premium Gel | 100 Lbs. Per Sack - Available Upon Request
- Dispersant | 50 Lbs. Per Sack - Available Upon Request
- Caustic Soda | 50 Lbs. Per Sack - Available Upon Request
- Lignite | 50 Lbs. Per Sack - Available Upon Request
- 3 Man Crew With Safety & Rescue Equipment - $275 Per Hour
- Supervisor - $75 Per Hour
- PPE | Per Man, Per Day - $55 Per Day
- Soap - $15 Per Gallon
- 3,000 PSI Pressure Washer - $100 Per Day
- 3,000 PSI Steam Cleaner - $200 Day
- Dockside Facility Fee - $45 Per Hour
- 120 BBL Load Capacity Unit with Operator & Helper (Flat Rate) - $300.00 per hour
- 130 Barrel Capacity (Flat Rate) - $125.00 per hour
- End Dump Service (Flat Rate) - $135.00 per hour
- Self-Contained Diesel Powered Dry Vac Unit - $200 Per Hour Flat Rate
- 300 BBL Pre-Mix Tank - $275 Per Day
- 6x8 Centrifugal Mud Pump - $150 Per Day
- 6” Vac Assist Pump - $150 Per Day
- 3” Diaphragm Pump - $65 Per Day
- 3” or 4” Hoses - $0.75 Per Foot / Day
- Pump Manifold - $30 Per Day
- Drift / Tally / Connection Cleaning Crews - Available Upon Request
- Environmental Services / Decommissioning Services / Construction Services - Available Upon Request
- 500 BBL Super Frac-Tank - $65 Per Day
- Winch Trunk (Delivery & Pickup) (Flat Rate) -$145.00 per hour
- Frac Tank Washout - $275.00 Per Hour
- 340 BBL Capacity – Open Top With Wheels - $150 Per Day
- 500 BBL Capacity – Open Top With Wheels - $200 Per Day
- 500 BBL Capacity – Vertical Open Top With Wheels - $275 Per Day
- Winch Trunk (Delivery & Pickup) (Flat Rate) - $145.00 per hour
- Gas Buster Washout - $275.00 Per Hour
- Waste fee for rental tanks, equipment and trailers washed at ILM facility - $540 Per TanK
- 130 Barrel Capacity (Flat Rate) - $125.00 per hour
- End Dump Service (Flat Rate) - $135.00 per hour
- Self-Contained Diesel Powered Pill Mix Tank Unit - $350 Per Day Flat Rate
- 200 BBL Cuttings Tank - $45 Per Day
- Electric Rig Vac - $250 Per Day
- Light Plants - $40 Per Day
- Pneumatic Mud Bucket with Seals Available Upon Request
- Air Compressor (185-225 CFM) - $350 Per Day
- Air Hose (50’ section) - $10 Per Section / Day